Friday, 28 November 2008

Vintage Friday: Typewriter Part II

following last friday's posts... here are so more typewriters found on Flickr, the more I look at all these photos the more I want one NOW! (calm calm ... but I do want one!)

I love these photo as not only are they beautiful photos featuring gorgeous decoration but they also feature a cute typewriter, proving they are great just as a display eye candy too!

Also found some great artworks featuring vintage typewriters

Isn't this vintage advert pink perfection? Sold!


Blair Friedeman said...

These are all such beautiful images. That ad definitely does it's job- I want one too!

Lynne said...

I love these - I had just had typewriter Tuesday last week - but didn't have anything like these - they are great.

Jen of MadeByGirl said...

BEAUTIFUL post...and very inspiring...hmmm

Jen Ramos
'100% Recycled DESIGNER Cards & More'

Deb Oh said...

These are adorable! I went antiquing in upstate new york yesterday and found a gorgeous remington typewriter, but it wasn't in great shape :(

Anonymous said...

Typewriters, oh typewriters. I so badly want one (NOW! like you =D).

Anonymous said...

I love that pink one in the last picture! Those drawings are great, too.

Oh, when I got home from visiting family for thanksgiving, my lovely print was waiting for me. It's so FAB! I bought it as a christmas gift for my cousin, but I'm seriously considering keeping it for myself ;)

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

blair - i love that ad, would happily buy it and frame it as a print to display!

lynne - one typewriter is always better than no typewriter!

hi jen, thanks for dropping by

deb - antiquing sound like a fun way to spend a day, the more i hear about new york the more i want to visit!

hi jackie, thanks for visiting, to own a beautiful typewriter would be a dream! :)

hi anne, hope you had a great weekend with family. Glad you like it! can't believe it's taken so long though, airmail is supposed to take 3-5 days! :)

please sir said...

JUST picked up a vintage typewriter from my grandma - so exciting!

Anonymous said...

Love these...I want one!

Showpony said...

hadn't really given them much thought before, but now i really want one. strange how that can happen - nice post!

Vain and Vapid said...

Wow, these photos and illustrations are absolutely lovely. I want a typewriter now too. I wonder if they still make typewriter ribbon so they could actually work...

PS. Thank you...likewise...

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