Guess what I have in stock for you my darling readers? Have you noticed a trend with Wednesday posts?
Yes, it's yet another inspirational interior post. For those of you that have been reading my little blog for some time, I'm sure you all know how much I love beautiful white spaces right? :) Well, today I'd like to share with you another white, not white interiors but images from the talented photographer Rachel Whiting.
I love the dark wood furniture against the pale wall colours, the white lamps seems to pop out like a bold colour
The retro feel of these rooms adds a lovely soft glamour
How fun is that orange lighting? the coffee table also addes a lovely splash of red
These two beautiful rooms by the seaside has been feature on a few gorgeous blogs but I love it so much I have to show it again, just in case you missed it! ;)
Simple yet so romantic, candle light dinner anyone?
Sigh... if only my storage room would like this!
(all images by Rachel Whiting)
Another fabulous post, darling! Love that Deco-ish room divider on the left!
Oh these are lovely spaces. I want to steal ideas from all of them!
they all look so fresh and clean. i love that and want that! thanks for sharing the beach ones, i missed them on the other blogs, so I'm glad you posted them, they look stunning!
Fabulous ♥
I adore interior posts!!
Gorgeous post darling x
Lovely rooms, dear! I adore that tiny rustic dining table with red candle lights on top! Gorgeous!
Oh, i love her work too! That work space is just beautiful.
so many inspirational decor ideas in these pictures. and yes, i'd love to exchange links! :)
yay! I love your decor posts!! I really am liking that ivory/beige cute is that leather vintage suitcase at the foot of the bed? LOVE it :-)
Her work has been a favorite for a while now :) She just makes every situation so inviting!
You have fab taste! I love white spaces, too and i love these rooms!
Yes yes, your decor posts are fantastic and always such a pleasure to look at/read. I want my storage room to look like those last two photos, too. I will keep dreaming that I'll run into beautiful furniture to set up my room with!
i love all the white walls! makes everything else pop, and now i'm wondering if i should repaint my apt!
oh i love every single one of these interiors! so pretty and snuggley..i love!
thanks for your gorgeous are such a kind spirit!
happy thursday :)
xxx love LM
I adore it... and I'm thinking my favorte is definitely the atic room!!!! It's incredible. xxx
White background in a space is very versatile...that's why I luv it too! Those photos are inspirational indeed.
These are all so wonderful it makes me want to dive into them and just live there. I esp love that dark dining table against the gray wall--perfection!
xo mjm
i love the sea green bedroom. the headboard is just lovely:)
the beds, the blue wall, love it. It just gave me a really good idea. Thank you!!
these are just lovely. i love the last two photos.
I love your Wednesday posts-there is nothing as inspiring as seeing a lovely collection of interiors. These are all so great-I especially love the two retro rooms!
the picture with the bike is so cool
So pretty!! I love house deco! I went into a few furniture shops today with my friends and we were practically running around everwhere shouting because we're tooo excited about all the chairs, clocks, lamps etc.. Haha i feeling a little embarrassed just thinking about it now.. heee
i love the aged and distressed floors! fabulous
These are all really lovely! I am in love with that metal "movie lighting style" light!
the first two images are my fav.
I'm redecorating my bedroom and this post gave me so much ideas - Thank you!!!
oh i'd like to snag that couch and make it mine!
Great posT!
I can't decide which pair I like the best - I think it has to be those last ones because the storage is so bright and cheery.
I love the perfume bottles! :)
Oh thank you:) I added your blog to my list! Fantastic post. I can´t wait for next fall so I can move away from my parents place and start to decorate my own precious appartment!
so beautiful <3<3
xoxo L
I especially love those last two pictures. They're so retro-vintage. What amazing finds! :)
the seaside rooms just made my heart flip.
they all look so fresk and crisp, beautiful.
All these white posts are really changing my mind about how I feel about white rooms. I used to think they were too sterile, but these all seem so soft.
I have the same color on my wall as the right photo on top! Love those spaces
I love simplistic white spaces with wood/antique details :D great post!
Great! I love white!
oo these are so pretty! I love the big bed with the lovely quilt.
I love these themed posts =]
La C.
Oh my...I thought loving white so much made me a boring person, but this post suggests otherwise! As so many other comments here say, white looks so fresh and clean. The best part is, when you have a white base, all you have to do is add colorful accessories (pillows, blankets, trinkets) to give it extra flair. That can change based on seasons, your mood, etc. Thanks for the inspiration! :)
i didn;t see those photos yet and i love them. thank you so much tina for your constant support. thank you thank you
Her work is beautiful. There is so much goodness in these photos you selected, it is hard to pick a favorite!
I love it all - especially anything seaside related (I adore Coastal Living magazine) and anything with a light, muted yellow makes my heart sing!
Curse my tiny four wall apartment!
I am not brave enough to experiment with a lot of white in my life, but I like the little white idea! Love the last two rooms. Want them!!!
Thanks for the face mask suggestion.
I have left you an award, you will probably appreciate, on my blog! Thanks for the inspiration, girl!
love these! i wish i owned a home to decorate!
*sigh* whenever i see photos like these, i long to have a home of my own. I wish I could be living in one of these homes. great post!
So lovely---I adore her work, each one is gorgeous. That office space is to die for!
Thanks for the blog award, you are so sweet! I always enjoy reading yours as well. Have a great rest of the week!
I agree!!! I love white spaces! Yet, I love white in general. And Cherry Wood. Gorgeous photos,, btw. I like that interior Wednesday idea!
wow you inspire me to do something with my living room (hope mom and dad gonna love it), as it has white wall already. thankyou for sharing.
me myself dont really like white, but you've changed my mind a bit. your post give me inspiration for giving things to my bf as he loves black and white that much
wanna exchange link dear ?
These are so inspiring...and also mildly depressing. I look at those and then I look around my dorm room and shudder.
these are really nice! i like them.
i can't wait to get a real house and really decorate.
I really love the retro-ish rooms. I can't wait until I have a place of my own to decorate.
What a dream! I've been wanting to buy all white sheets and bedding for my room. I'm sort of a neat freak and white just symbolizes the cleanliness and simplicity I crave! Oh and thanks so much for your sweet comments :) I heart comments too.
<3 grace e.
Thank you for sharing this inspiration with us!
I linked you up in my bloglist btw!
Love the white decor - I always think I'd love something stark and fresh, but instead I accumulate clutter...
brilliant, luphia!!! more interior design!
what i love about anything artisitic is that they all have the power to influence each other! i wish i could be that conceptual in my view of fashion, but i guess i'm just working on it still HAHA.
althou, my proudest part of my room is my print by david hockney check him out! :)
lovely pictures
andrea xoox
Life In Technicolor
Such wonderfully quiet and romantic seaside rooms. ahh. -susan
Such beautiful rooms, they truly are inspiring!
i love how rustic and playful the last room is
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