Friday, 21 August 2009

Lost in a Strange Land

I found out last night, that a dear friend had passed away almost a year ago. I am in shock, in denial, in sorrow. I feel lost like these photos...

(photos by Cig Harvey)


Eliza said...

that is a very shocking and bitter thing, dear, i know, but try to be positive and think of everything that is good about that person. you will find your way to acceptance, i'm sure. please take care ♥

datflamie said...

Dear Tina, I know what means, to lose a special human. Right now, I just can't believe, that my lovely friends are gone. They are in me. I remember them alive.I think, it just becouse, I never had been in funeral, and never had seen them dead...
One my special human, wchich passed away, was wanted to become a butterfly, and now in every butterfly's eyes I see smiling happy girl's face.
Tina, be strong! ♥
Schiaparelli and Pinkie Sue.
P.S. Sorry for us English. (Pinkie Sue never learn english (she's raccoon) and I'm Lithuanian. So, sorry :)

Saskia said...

Oh my gosh Tina, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

I'm thinking of you.

*hugs* Saskia xx

Here I scribble said...

that is very sad.. but try to be strong and remembr the good times you had with your friend will last with you forever ..take care

Blovet Beauty said...

life is so full of ups and downs...
sigh... take care

meraldia said...

I am really sorry about this. Take care, ok?

Inarticulate Tree said...

oh gosh, so sorry for your loss. :( things like these are never easy but take care, 'kay? x said...

Beautiful editorias, the last one is my fave...


sug said...

i had the exact experience happen to me this week. it's hard. i know how you feel and i wish you the best.


Dionne said...

I am so sorry to hear about that, Tina. I will keep you in my prayers.

Paresh said...

Go to ur best friend, hug him/her tight, close ur eyes and think of the person you are missing :)

Rebecca said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. I had a similar experience once [though it wasn't someone I was close to - just a past acquaintance]. It's a very terrible feeling.

vio said...

the word i would use to describe this post: d e e p.

Toritopia said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. It is always hard to hear new like this.

Jen said...

Im sorry for your loss, I can't even imagine how difficult that must be to find out. Take care love!

lolly-jolly said...

what a beautiful photos and dresses!

lolly-jolly said...

and sorry for that friend. it's really strange feeling that

jessicadnguyen. said...

i'm so sorry. :'( i hope you feel better.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. =( I sincerely hope you feel better!

amalie said...

i am so sorry about you loss. take care <3
and lovely pictures.

Kati said...

I am so sorry!

S.Elisabeth said...

I'm so sorry for you. =( Let's hope she/he passed away peacefully and without pain? I hope you feel better soon and aren't as lost as these pictures.

Zoe said...

I am so sorry to hear this ,take care...

a frock a day said...

Hi Tina. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I pray that you will get over this difficult time.

*big hugs*

Lauren Ashley said...

be strong!

erika sorocco said...

I'm so sorry to hear about this. I hope that you are surrounding yourself with everything that makes you feel comfortable - be it food, friends, family, or a warm cardigan. My thoughts and prayers are with you. :)

RedFenyx said...

So sorry for You and for your dear friend...
It should have been a terrible shock!
Hope You'll be better, but these things always need time.

Anonymous said...

Oh, doll, my heart goes out to you ...

Trains and Sewing Machines said...

Oh I'm so sorry to hear that!!! What a terrible thing :( I love when I can find pictures or music that embody my feelings...these are beautiful.

prettyneons said...

I don't even know what to say?
How awful.

Take care,
prettyneons xXx

Catherine said...

So sorry for your loss... that must have been quite the upset. <3

Deb Oh said...

I'm terribly sorry to hear about your loss--stay strong!

Anonymous said...

dear tina

i hope that you are ok.

i've just seen where you're from: bracknell. i'm from camberley. do you go to uni in bath?

i hope we can talk and share interests xx

Cara said...

oh dear, I feel sorry for you...and I know how you feel. Everytime I hear the siren, I panic because I think that one of my beloved ones is in danger...
But I think it's a good way to express your emotions with theses pictures.

cleung341 said...

Sorry to ear about your friend.

Fashion Cappuccino said...

Hey!! I'm so sorry to hear that! I understand how you feel because I'm still mourning over the loss of my grandfather two years ago. It's hard to lose someone close to you but what you can do is to think about the happy memories you shared together and remember the good person that he/she is. xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you reflect on the good times with a lighter heart, fond memories, and a warming smile.

Hugs to you this weekend.

1808 Days said...

i am so sorry for your loss, take care <3

muchlove said...

I'm sorry for your loss. It must be so hard :(

love and hugs xx

Anonymous said...

close deaths are always hard to face =/ sorry to hear about it. take care!

Cynthia said...

Tina, sorry to hear you friend has
passed. Makes me admonish myself
for not keeping in touch as I
should. The last photo with the
woman on the rocks is stunning
and scary.

Sherry Go Sharing said...

love the pictures, :) everything so pretty

Unknown said...

i love this photographer. amazing photos!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I'm so sorry. My prayers are with you!

Callie Grayson said...

I a so sorry for your lose. I feel your pain, with my friend just passing as well. My thoughts will be with you during your time of mourning.

Winnie said...

Oh gosh, I know exactly how you feel. I had a childhood friend pass away a few months ago...but I had not spoken to him in months and months but the feeling of sorrow was no less apparent.

No matter how long or short you have known someone, friends leave footprints in your life, they are definitely a part of you. Hope you're ok and remember, be thankful for those you have around you.

Hugs xx

Iva Messy said...

I am SO SO sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts! Please stay strong through this time.

Lizzie said...

Those pictures are so beautiful
and I am sorry to hear about your friend

Susan said...

a dear friend of mine passed away last year, too, so I can relate to your sadness... nothing helps but time. sadness is not bad, you just need to give time to it and to yourself.

Courtney said...

Oh, T, I am so very sorry for your loss. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you, and I'm sending a huge hug your way. xoxo

Christina said...

oh my, i'm so sorry luphia. i hope you feel a bit of comfort and peace through this difficult time. i'm sending warm thoughts your way.

PinkBow said...

thinking of you

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