Saturday 14 March 2009

{Weekly Giveaway} Edor Jewelry

Hello darling readers! The first of our new {Weekly Giveaway} series is here! I am hoping to find some very talented Etsy sellers and other businesses to join this series. I am very excited to start off with a giveaway of these gorgeous necklaces by Edor Jewelry.

The best part of the giveaway? The winner gets to choose any piece of jewelry from their Etsy shop! That's right, you get to choose! I have to warn you, it's not an easy task, they're all gorgeous!

How to Enter? Anyone who leaves a comment on any post during the next 7 days is automatically entered in the draw, starting with this post and ending Saturday the 21th at 8am GMT. The winner will be revealed later that day.

The idea behind it? I love reading all your lovely comments, it really makes my day brighter, but these days with all the university work and running a small business, I just don't quite have the time to reply to all the comments, so I thought a giveaway would be perfect for making it up to you. I will visit your blogs at least once a week to catch up though, :)

Rules: only leave one comment per post please, meaningless comments will also be discarded. To pick the winner, I will first use to generate a number between 1 to 7 (7 posts a week) and then pick a randome comment within that post. So to maximise your chances you can reply to every post, don't want to miss a post? follow this blog via Blogger, Reader or Bloglovin & these technology will remind you!

I'll be back with another {Styling Luphia} post tomorrow, hope you are having a lovely weekend :)

(images via Edor Jewelry)


Nina said...

aww, that's such a sweet idea!

oh and i've just checked their shop...absolutely gorgeous!

such feminine pieces! makes me want spring to arrive even faster!

Helen said...

oh goodness the jewellery is so beautiful! i love the cluster pearl necklace.

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

Oh Tina, thank you for this wonderful give-away! Love all of the pieces! How would I choose if I win?

Ms Unreliable said...

Those necklaces are so adorable! You're so kind to us Tina! :D

Doublecloth said...

Oooo are so beautiful, so romantic and pretty. Adorable!!! A kiss

William Street Store said...

They are absolutely divine.
Thank you for this gorgeous give away!!
I just adore how delicate the necklaces are, so sweet xx

Annabel Wendt (LoveMore) said...

that is such a fab idea sweetnes!!!

hope it goes smoothly! and totally understand, it's so hard to reply to everyone's comments - we are not superheros! more hours in the day are needed i think!

happy saturday lovely one :)

love LM xxx

Francesca Tan said...

I love this idea! You're too sweet. Its such a good way to connect with your readers :)

I absolutely love the bird one! xx

queenyee said...

you're such a sweet girl, always pampering us with giveaways :)

love the necklaces too, they're totally my style...

Peng said...

Lovely jewelry!! Simple and stlylist accessories that go well with all outfits.

Your blog is simply addictive =)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I never enter these things but...HELLO?! these are GORGEOUS!!! such exquisite pieces, off to check out the link now :-)

Relyn Lawson said...

You are such a lovely, generous blogger. Thank you for this opportunity. I must go now and catch up on your posts. I've had a hectic week and haven't been around the blogiverse for a while.

Christina said...

this is a great idea, but don't worry about not commenting enough- you're a busy woman and i'd read your blog regardless:)
as for the jewelery- i like the simplicity of the work and some of the themes (i.e. evil apple?!) love it!

Unknown said...

Thank you for doing this- I love these necklaces! They are beautiful. Now, I'm just hoping to win! Daisy~

Persian Tea said...

i am also a university student, so i know EXACTLY how busy you are. thanks for doing this!

p.s. all of the necklaces are gorgeous.

erin said...

these are completely lovely. all of them. in every way. thanks so much for sharing!

Anonymous said...

aw, you are such a sweetie! these necklaces are GORGEOUS.

and i know how you feel about getting behind on commenting. it's so hard to keep up, but I always want to because a) it's just good etiquette and b) I love visiting and talking with other bloggers. but we're all doing the best we can, right?

Have a lovely weekend :)

Siân said...

These necklaces are so pretty! Wow.


Unknown said...

I was blog-hopping randomly and I stumbled upon your wonderful blog! You're definitely on my list now. Oh, and that's a very nice gesture, pampering your readers with gifts. :)

DaisyChain said...

Oh what a lovely idea,
and what gorgeous jewellery!

msee said...

The first necklace is so simple and pretty!

Narumi said...

I just discovered your blog, it's so lovely ! That's a great idea, those necklaces are beautiful, I love the first one !

Baybay Mama said...

wow, that is great. what a lovely prize!

Diana said...

Oh my word. I love love the first one. Very simple and classy all at once. Good luck to everyone :D

Dionne said...

Thanks for the giveaway, these are sooo pretty!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

There are soooo many wonderful artists on etsy! The best place to shop.

Demi said...

gorgeous jewellery, what a lovely idea!!
I seriously love your blog by the way, it makes me soo happy! :D


Anonymous said...

oh give away time again!:D
i haven't got the tim enow to visit the etsy site but the pictures on this post and the jewelry...omg sooo adorble....:)

T said...

This is such an amazing idea -- giveaways are always fun! The jewelry is so beautiful too!

Joyti said...

Those are so very cute! I will have to go look at their webpage...

Claire Geist said...

that has got to be the most simple,amazing jewelry on the planet, right up my alley!

inspired,dear your blog is fabulous!

Couture Carrie said...

So exciting!


Shini said...

meaningless comments like 'Nice! Check my blog out at'? Love your giveaways, I stand no chance of winning again so i'm just gonna say hello how's your weekend going ;)?

Rachel B said...

oh the jewelry is just gorgeous! What a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love this idea! How nice you are to take such good care of your readers.

Anonymous said...

The necklaces are so pretty! :)

Zuuchini said...

you got so much sense of style for jeweleries! so vintage. I love!

Deb Oh said...

Great idea for a giveaway - and their jewelry is spectacular!

however you want to said...

the necklaces are so awesome!
thank you for this giveaway
you're too cute ;)))

Elizabeth, Delightfully Tacky said...

I like the little bird!

muchlove said...

This is a great giveaway. All the necklaces are so delicate and gorgeous! You're right, it is hard to choose!

Daniella said...

ooo i like the last one with the silver ring! there's somethign about simple jewlery that's just so chic looking! love it.

Love + Cake said...

That's such a good idea!! I love the one on the right :) SO pretty!!
Love your blog, too-haven't seen it yet, until today!

xoxo, mavi

Gladys said...

wow, i love these pieces!
i would just love to win one.

Kate said...

Wow, those are beautiful pieces! That's so sweet you're having a giveaway :D

Love your blog!
xo, Kate

Blair Friedeman said...

Tina--what a brilliant idea! This beautiful is so beautiful and delicate. Honestly, every piece is stunning!

clouds of tulle said...

This is great!
I really love the simplicity of these necklaces very very nice!!!


The Giveaway Diva said...

omg amazing stuff!! it will be hard to choose!!

Lexie said...

ooh! blog giveaways are so exciting! count me in.

erika sorocco said...

What a fun idea; and such beautiful necklaces. I especially love the one of the sparrow. I'm basically obsessed with animal pendants at the moment - I just invested in both an elephant and owl pendant necklace from Forever 21 a little over a week ago!

Rachel said...

these necklaces are so beautiful! i've never bought anything on etsy but i know once i start i won't be able to stop...

Bunny B said...

Great giveaway!! I love her pieces - they're so delicate and fragile-looking! The bunny necklace is so cute!

Stephanie said...

:D Do you make jewelry?

inkWELL Press said...

Such a fun idea! Those necklaces are absolutely gorgeous. I'm off to check out their shop!

Sena said...

I love the evil apple necklace. Lovely!

lalala said...

Those necklaces look so awesome! They make great Giveaways =]

Anonymous said...

wow! those necklaces are gorgeous. i'm so happy to be entered, although i quite frequently do not win these types of things DDD:

Anonymous said...

This is very generous of you and the designer!!!! I think you are fabulous---and necklaces are stunning!

freeteyme said...

those necklaces are divine, thanks for starting this giveaway!

Rachel Follett said...

Oh how fun! If I win I don't know if I will ever be able to decide on one!

Sasi said...

What a nice idea:)
Btw, these pieces are really beautiful, especially the third and the fourth one.

please sir said...

Hi Tina - yes, very wonderful idea and what a great product to do it with! Thanks so much!

Olya said...

You always have the best jewelry on your blog. Nothing is ever over the top, but always just right and always beautiful.

CHIC Sensibility... said...

Great idea. I love this jewelry line. Thanks so a lot for the give away.

Iyah Love said...

Ohhhhh howww gorgeous!!!

paula said...

i absolutely love pretty necklaces and these are pretty.

The Depressed Yogi said...

LOVE those necklaces!! This contest is such a sweet/fun idea :-)

May Kasahara said...

so incredibly gorgeous!
love the giveaway idea!

Carrie said...

You'll be able to read a lot of comments now :-) Thanks for cheering up my day with this great give away...

Mango Gal said...

Fantastic giveaway! Count me in!

amy b.s. said...

the pieces you featured are so feminine and dainty. i love them! definitely a great give away!

Aline said...

Those are beautiful! I am going to hurry over and add it as a fav shop!

TheBeautyFile said...

I love me a give away, especially a delicate gold pretty!!!

Rachel said...

Another Etsy seller to be obsessed with? Oh dear.

That first necklace has me absolutely smitten. I don't think I would ever take it off.

Anonymous said...

What fun! Would love to be entered!

danielle said...

any piece of jewellry from their shop?? best giveaway ever!

H @ Narnia's Closet said...

how kidn! i'd love to join!

littletiara said...

Oh! This is so interesting! I've commented to the next posts but not this one! LOL! I didn't know this kind of fun event exist here! (Man, I just have this habit to commenting, lol)

And those jewelries are so cute! Woots!

Janelle said...

Thanks for hosting another great giveaway contest! I'm loving those necklaces. I love simple, feminine jewelry like that. And Etsy is a GREAT place to shop & explore!

Unknown said...

So great! And these necklaces are beautiful. I'd love to be involved.

Zornitsa said...

Everything looks wonderful. I love the bird charm necklace

Anonymous said...

Wow. The jewelry is so beautiful! I would love to win this.

Anonymous said...

Beauuuuutiful jewellery! I hope I'll win, he he he :)

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