If you love beautiful white spaces, you're in for a treat, and if you're not so keen, maybe I can change your mind a little with this post?
Shall we start at the kitchen? Now isn't this just one of the prettist kitchen space you've ever seen? Ok, it may not be practical but we're only talking about prettiness here :) Would you like a cup of tea or coffe?
A peek into the bathroom and reading room? Well, with such a pretty white home you've got to warn whoever makes a mess right?
Now the master bedroom, modern fitted wardrobe for space and antique dresser for charm, that works for me!
ps. I have a little annoucement to make tomorrow, don't get too excited, it's nothing too personal or major, now bedtime for me, night night xx
(photos by Thine Thorsen via The Red Otter Shop )
Absolutely beautiful! I LOVE cozy all white spaces like this :)
i've always loved white rooms but never felt it was practical. between a hairy sheep dog and a guy in the house, that white room would turn grey instantly. haha
btw, i would love to exchange links. i will link you right now. :)
EYE CANDY!! This is one of my favorite posts for sure!! I love monochromatic design and the white makes everything so minimalistic, which I can't get enough of! I love it!!
love the white! the work space photo was my fav. If only could keep clean long enough to enjoy it!
I'm seriously craving white. Especially those organizational magazine holders in that one picture..I need them for all my old issues of vogue and elle!!!
Wow I've always felt white rooms were the hardest type of room to do well- But the ones you've picked are GORGEOUS!! Too bad my dorm room isn't white!
oh goodness! i love it all. but really REALLY love that work station! it's like...the ultimate dream work station! haha.
the work station and the bathroom! WOW! White is absolutely beautiful!
I love white! It's always so bright - that's my favourite part of it.
Trisch xo
WOW! Such pretty interiors...you always manage to find the nicest things
i think white on white is always beautiful, in any capacity. interior design, fashion, whatever. always so classic.
ohhhhhhhh i love this! can I move in. now!!
love it all!
Everything is perfect in these photos, Tina. I can not think of more cosy place to live
I'd love to meet with you if I go to England, you are the sweetest
The white workspace is sensational. Gorgeous post Tina, xv.
Imagine living in an all-white house! The glare from the light inside and outside would be incredibly and beautiful at the same time. My eyes would hurt!
I would live in a house like that, even if all the rooms where white :) Thanks for the pictures! I just recently moved and need house decoration inspiration :)
White is NOT boring! I love it all!
I've been looking your blog, and I have to tell you that I fell in love with it! I'm going to add your blog to my list!
Further proof that white on white isn't necessarily cold or hard. It's OH so tempting to paint all my furniture white!
these white spaces truly evoke peaceful feeling
Looks so warming and cozy. I'd be scared to dirty the place though. Like a nasty tea/coffee stain!
ahhh. White. delightful!
I just can't go past white on white - such an effective way to decorate! Very pretty post! Tracey xx
I do love all the white, especially in that bath.
White spaces are lovely because they give off such a peaceful air.
thanks for posting this..im am getting into white furnishing right NOW (coincidentally)!! LOL.
So calm, so chic! I pine for my real home in London (rather than my rented one in New York) LLGxx
Oh, I do love them and you are right these are a treat! That work space and dining space are both divine! Now, if only I didn't have two black dogs!
I love white rooms!
Love it! Especially the study!
These are so beautiful! I fell in love with them because of all the white and touches of gorgeous color!
That does look beautiful, but if I tried owning even one item of white furniture, well, it wouldn't be white for very long.
I don't know how people do it!
Oh Tina, I'm wordless ... This house is just like being in heaven! Especially that kitchen! I adore white tables. I'm turning into a white addict lately. Although I know it's not practical at all. Yesterday I bought a white leather jacket and today a white sweater... I can't stop!
whoa, these spaces are amazing and especially inspiring for me who is stuck in a drab whitish dorm room at the moment.. i now see tons of possibilities for the space.
I adore white spaces! Especially when the sun is streaming through and lighting up the whole room, and I'm just sitting there enjoying life. Oh how my heart aches when I have to leave moments like those...
I have always loved white, white spaces. With kids, not so easy to keep up... someday!
I love the balance of vintage and modern in these rooms...what a soothing home!
I love these white interiors. That's definitely the look that I'm trying to channel in my room next year... it's a little difficult considering that I haven't moved in yet, but it's coming along! I'm trying to keep it simple and airy (white walls and possibly a furry white rug), but I've also painted a dresser a really awesome shade of turquoise... it's so much fun!
LOVE the mix of girly vintage and clean modern furniture. what an amazing set of images!
I am in love ♥ Such a beautiful home
Just adorable, love the white!!
i've been looking at interiors ALL NIGHT && DAY && this is by far the best.
where did you find??
i love white.. this would be my dream!! && i am in lovvve with your blog!! awesome post babe.
liv .xo
&& yes, nutella is the best!! hahaha
Beautiful blog! And beautiful spaces you've highlighted. I want those Eames chairs!!!!
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