or more correctly "Things I would LOVE to Find In My Stocking!"Chloe Eau de Parfum Gift Set - Ok, this might not fit in a stocking but I just LOVE how elegant and retro the bottles are!

Gucci heart-shaped coin purse - A lot more afforable than many other Gucci items, aren't they just the sweetest thing?

Anya Hindmarch Lloyd key pouch - I just LOVE the colour & its simple design!
Realistically what are the changes of me getting these gorgeous items? None, but a girl can dream ;)
Realistically what are the changes of me getting these gorgeous items? None, but a girl can dream ;)
What an adorable collection--love the Gucci coin purses. I HOPE you get all of them.
Gah! This post is reminding me that I NEED to finish my Christmas shopping!
Love the coin purses, I wonder if it's too late to put it on the Christmas list? ;)
I'll take all of them...thank you so much for your kind words over at bliss...xo
I will take the Lulu Guinness and Anya Hindmarch pieces please :) These would be great stocking stuffers! Hope some show up for you this year.
Love these suggestions - would like them in my stocking too!
I would happily take anything Gucci or Anya in my stocking...of course if santa wanted to leave something under the tree from them too, I wouldn't say no! Sigh...I'm a label whore and proud of it!
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