Friday, 11 February 2011

{Vintage Friday}: Glasses, Collar, Dress

Voilà, a complete vintage outfit

{ sources: 1, 2, 3 }


ouestladiscotheque said...

Ooh that collar and those glasses are so pretty! And the dress actually!

Jane said...

Hola guapa, es precioso!!

amalie said...

beautifuuul! those glasses are so cute.

Eleanor Blackham said...

Beautiful, and a big thumbs up for the glasses!

Ellie Rose xxx

amy b.s. said...

how pretty is that collar!

Vero said...

Just Beautiful...

Trou, .ma petite cherie said...

Vintage love!!! The collar looks beautiful with the pretty sequins embroidered on. And the glasses are so cute!

lauren, curious constellation said...

A complete, perfect vintage outfit.

Jo - Lost in the Haze said...

Oh wow, so gorgeous! That collar is stunning! x

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

Beautiful colour. It would be great in an editorial actually, clashing with something very modern.

JMay said...

So So pretty, those glasses are rad. Gosh, I love love your blog :-)

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