Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Spring by the Lake

Wishing spring would hurry its footsteps...

I never thought the combination of swimsuit + chunky knit would be a great look, but this editorial proved me wrong! However to make it just a little more practical without loosing the relaxed chic factor, how about adding an extra layer in the sense of a cotton dress?

{All from } Editorial by Nicholas Routzen


Lykke said...

chunky knits are win when your skin is coled down by the water! nice look.

cerebral e said...

I can't wait for Autumn! It was 38C where I am today!

Anonymous said...

This La Perla swimsuit is gourgeous! Love the color!

Camila Faria

the notebook doodles said...

so so pretty :)

Vivian Tumasonis said...

Nice pictures Luphia!!!!!

Kisses from Brazil

The Occasional Blogger said...

This makes me want to go canoeing... reminds me of a Peter Doig painting...

Eliza said...

oh, i love the pieces you share every single time <3

Overlooking Mississippi said...

Indeed! I am eagerly waiting for spring! So tired of snow..

Pretty Lovely said...

The lake is my favorite place in the whole world to be - even better than the beach...


Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Pretty photos and love the La Perla. The top is gorgeous.

Dani-Elle said...

I love the pictures. I am definitely looking forward to spring but I need to hurry up and start my garden.

Great Post!
Dani-Elle from,

superwoolu said...

that's definitely my look when i go to the cottage from now on...

Shelby said...

That is a really nice dress. I love the soft pink and the uneven-ness of it.

ToKataifi said...

well.....i have to ask you something..
i work as an editor at an online greek fashion magazine and i write about retro looks....i want to add a new weekly column about my some of my fave bloggers and i would like to ask you some questions about fashion blogging and have a couple of your outfit pics on my article..
if you are interested plz send me an e-mail at

Anonymous said...

couldn't agree more! i need the sun! -20C today :(

Ma princesse de pêches said...

I adore this post! One of my fave's of the week (I follow so many blogs, I probably see hundreds of posts a week haha)
xx. Peach Princess ♥

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

oh so gorgeous! love the bikini!

Jade & Gold said...

These lovely photos make me wish for sunny spring too! Can you believe it's still snowing up in Glasgow, boo!

Unknown said...

makes me want to go to my cottage!!

yoli said...

I would live eternally in summer...

Sarah Elizabeth said...

OH my goodness. the pink dress and yellow bathing suit are wonderful!!

cleung341 said...

The pics make me want to go camping!

amy said...

i love the cardigan sweater!!

MizzJ said...

These photos kinda confuse me - if it's warm enough to wear a bikini, then it would be too warm to wear a heavy knit? Anyways, the combo looks hot!

Unknown said...

I am dying to go canoeing on a lake. Love the outfit!

Anonymous said...

omgg love your blog soo much!! i love those photos -- breathtaking!! xoxoxo

Monique said...

i actually love this look.
i love the photography you put on here,
it is so beautiful and inspiring!
i wish i could caputre a mood so well!

lots of love,

{ A lifestyle blog }

Based in London art|decor|fashion|travel ♥

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