Friday, 20 November 2009

{Vintage Friday}: Fischer Clothing

I adore everything about these shoots, the clothes, the mood, the setting and the soft lighting...

(images from Fischer Clothing)


roxanne said...

the haze over these images is so effective. i'm a bit leery of the second look, but everything else is spot on.

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Love the dress and flora top- beautiful! :)

Anonymous said...

i couldn't agree more, just perfect ♥

tiffany said...

absolutely beautiful!

Natalia L. said...

They look so natural.., lovely!

My Galveston Cottage said...

You're such a fashionista . . .I'd love to invite you (and your friends here) to check out my giveaway and play. Hope you will. cheers, -susan

Helen said...

i love the light in these photos

S.Elisabeth said...

So pretty, I love when the lighting looks like this.

red ticking said...

love that cute. glad to have found your blog.. have a great weekend... pam

Some Like it said...

Those are lovely photos and great outfits :-)

Anonymous said...

the photos are taken very well. i'm sure the place in real life doesn't look as nice as that. lol

TheBeautyFile said...

I love those shorts!!

So, I need to enlist your help. I am looking to create a world wide hair stylist guide to post as a permanent fixture on my blog. I know you're in the "know" so I thought you could come on over and contribute any info you have....also if you'd like to spread the word to anyone with a passion for beauty/hair, I would really appreciate it! Here's the link:

erika sorocco said...

I love the vintage romanticism in each photograph - the hazy Hold Hollywood glamour. Absolutely stunning! :)

Anonymous said...

like the last two shots!

superwoolu said...

omgosh i love all the outfits....

muchlove said...

I love the look and feel of these photos too. The grainy muted colours make them look like they were taken with film.

Susan said...

love these!

Jo Bryan said...

So good, I like the shots also and the Fischer site is so good, thanks.
I love the third shot, think its the top.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I adore those shorts! I just need to work on my stems. Ah ha

Apt. #34 said...

love these dresses and your blog! said...

That dress on the third picture is just supecute(:

whatever said...

Love the third picture outfit. The picture, itself, reminds me of a fairytale, yet, the people seem so depressing.

Vômito Mental said...

I love your blog so mutch... love the dress and the shorts.

Little Bow Prep said...

Awesome looks!

I adore the last two!

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