Tuesday, 24 November 2009


I just think if I can hang all my clothes on the wall I could decide on what to wear in the morning so much quicker... wouldn't you agree?

(images from oops* at Flickr)


keyola pey said...

I love dresses! So not complicated! :) Love your blog. You really inspire me! xo

Brandi said...

Such pretty photos.
I agree with you. Hanging dresses on the wall would be much easier. Oooooh! Can you imagine a whole wall full of pretty dresses? We'd need some high ceilings. I might never want to leave

Tanoushka said...

The dresses are really great!

Anonymous said...

Dresses are mostly what i wear nowadays, they're so simple ♥
Yep, hanging clothes on the wall would be ideal xD

mAdi*cakes said...

oh my gosh! I LOVE<3 that green one. Its beautiful. xo

Kathryn Sutton said...

The perfect way to speed up the process of deciding what to wear AND make your walls prettier and more colourful... I love it!


superwoolu said...

definitely a good way to make getting ready more efficient!

cleung341 said...

The dresses look so delicate!

Zuuchini said...

Those are cute dresses! Seriously, hanging them all on the wall wouldn't really help lol. at least not for me. There would still be dilemma.

Claire said...

love that floral dress! so cute!XoXo :)

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

I love the first one! It's so pretty!

Jen Laceda | Milk Guides said...


Love the photos!

By the way, I have a giveaway at my blogs that may interest you or your readers. I'm giving away a Lubitel 166+ Lomo camera to one lucky blog follower. Rules can be found on my blog. It would be great it you can help promote the contest - will appreciate it. And I hope you or your readers will join!

-Jen from Les Filles Giada et Cairo and Folie a Deux

acutelife said...

Agreed!! I always hang most of my dresses :) would keep their shape nicer too!

acutelife said...

Agreed!! I always hang most of my dresses :) would keep their shape nicer too!

Susan said...

agree :))
such a pretty post.
have a lovely day, xoxo

Bunny B said...

It would be quicker! But might need longer walls :P

Anonymous said...

those are cute. I noticed chiffon's in fashion. i like the material =D

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Hope you are doing well darling~

Blovet Beauty said...

not been in a dress mood lately. been too much into pants and jeans... but these are pretty pics!!

Natalia L. said...

I'd love to have my dresses hanging on the wall!
My husband would kill me, though.. xDD

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

That makes sense to me! Well, either that or I would never decide because I'd love it all! ;)

www.janetteria.com said...


If U are curious, check out my newer giveaway!


vicki archer said...

Good idea Tina...xv

Slices of Beauty... said...

How dreamy is the first image!

erika sorocco said...

Oh, I couldn't agree more. For some reason this post reminds me of the book The Hundred Dresses! :)

Amanda said...

my friend has a purse wall in her room- helps her organize and pick her purse for the day much faster than digging around in her closet. She also has over 100 purses. Looks amazing though.

heleen said...

Other than the pictures being beautiful, its the dresses that amaze me; so beautiful!

daisychain said...

now all we need is infinite wall space!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Very pretty photos!! Love the feel of them.

yoli said...

nice idea!

Hillary H. said...

i know what you mean!
besides, clothing is art. we should be able to display it on our walls!

Zoe said...

the are really pretty dresses^^

muchlove said...

yes, that is a good idea! Putting a dress on the wall would make the room look prettier too, don't you think?

PinkBow said...

i often hang my clothes on the wall (usually when i have something new i want to keep looking at)

mila bomtempo said...

I love dresses!
Sooo cute!
I have to make some for me!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! I love the last picture. So cute!

Marie Claire said...

Agreed! And my room would look so much prettier too! <3

Vômito Mental said...

So cute and delicate. Look so soft...

Blue Eyed Night Owl said...

Lovely dresses. When I choose a dress I hang them on my closet. I know, somehow hanging them makes it easier

Little Bow Prep said...

Pretty pictures!

Anonymous said...

If I had those dresses I would decide pretty fast!!!

Camila F.

beauty comma said...

i do that! mainly for decoration purposes, there's so much potential in decorating with clothes. the rest goes on a rack in the bedroom, it's so much easier to find stuff if it's not in a closet-

Unknown said...

What gorgeous dresses & photos! xo.

Harriet said...

I love the idea of hanging dresses on a wall as a form of decoration! So cool! Love your blog by the way!

{ A lifestyle blog }

Based in London art|decor|fashion|travel ♥

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