Welcome to my fairytale dream, where I live in this small but magical tree house, filled with only pretty things, like sparkling fairy lights...
plenty of fashion magazines and shopping boxes
antique furnitures and soft pillows on the bed
where it snows sparkles
the neighbours? Mermaids
lol, kinda childish but I sure do like to day dream ;)
(beautiful images via juliaelise)
Nearly forgot!! The winners of the Scarves Giveaway are (randomly picked via random.org): Comment 3 Little Miss Tiara, Comment 23 kalai, Comment 93 christine, Comment 115 becca. !!
Congratulations! Please send me your delivery address to blog@luphia.com.
such lovely inspiration, the pictures are gorgeous <3
Oh i would love to live here too. And never work either !! x
wow amazing photos and i become dreaming like in fairytale while i was looking at them! the photo with the bench is GORGEOUS!
to dream is great =) i would love to decorate my home like that someday
its never wrong to dream, love! these pictures are divine, and definitely who wouldn't want to live in a fairy dream? i sure would!:)
sorry for just getting back to you now, its been a crazy week.. but i'm so honored to be a part of your blogroll.. youre definitely a part of mine!:)
much love
oh! i love that string of sparkle lights!
Laduree is love..I want macarons more than ever...
Beautiful pics!
Such gorgeous images. I'm getting inspired to paint something fairytale-like right now!
I especially love the one with the park benches and the one with the antique bed. Beautiful...beautiful...
Amazing...I love what goes on inside your head! I want to live in a world like that!
keep being childish, keeps you young at heart! Day dreaming is a priority on my list! keeps you smiling and happy:)
Ooh, thanks for sharing your 'dream' with us! So magical :)
That's an *amazing* day dream! :) Such pretty pictures.
Aww I want to live there too, well at least visit
Ive always wanted a tree house of my own. unless the lucky ones will be my children because im gonna build them the most awesome tree house in the world! XD
daydream on, my friend!
love it.
'specially the treehouse abode and merfriends.
When I was little I wanted to live in a fantastical tree house when I grew up. Also, when adults asked me what I 'wanted to be' when I grew up for quite a long time I answered, "a mermaid." Not quite sure how a mermaid would live in a tree house... but it sounded awesome.
lovely post, Tina! I always love to dream awake too!
Bummer.. I totally missed the giveaway.. Congrats to the winners
i'm pretty sure that my extra room in my new apt will look like the 3rd picture in this post. I can't wait!!
Oh what beautiful inspiration!
Beautiful dream. I am hoping to start decorating my new home and would love what you have listed. sigh.
What an incredible assortment of magical images!
Lovely daydream and congratulations to the winners!xo
These images take me to a magical dreamland. Gorgeous.
I love these dreamy looking photos. No.1, I like those little lights on the wall. No.2, you know I adore macarons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AH!!! I love the sparkling bed! Although I won't be able to sleep there, my eyes would open all night long staring at how beautiful those little lamps are! :D
and seriously! I finally won something here! YAY! Haha... I git the scarf! I got the scarf! *dances around crazily
oh, not childish at all--loved it!
those pictures are so beautiful~~
i love the tree one and the 2 with the antique furnishings~~
i've always wanted a pretty tree house^^ xox
Having a childlike imagination evokes creation! I like the light idea from photo 5.
Love it! I like the almost dirty/dust aged feel but still feels like a fairy-tale fantasy world. Just have to wait for your prince to show up.
I adore the first photo! SO inspitated...
Okay this is so sweet! I love the mermaids :)
this post si so sweet and calm!!!
beautiful pics!!!
That Christmas light canopy is delightful.
I love daydreaming and fairytales! Gorgeous pictures :)
I love the idea of living in a tree, surrounded by antique furniture, soft pillows, fashion magazines and macarons for dinner. Can I visit your world? :)
So beautiful!!!! A true dream....
Beautiful images :)
Nothing wrong with a little daydreaming...being young at heart preserves a youthful appearance!
Fairytale sweetness!
such a beautiful dream house
Awww the picture with the bed is a dream!♥
I wanna have a bed like that!♥
This is amazing!!
The lights surrounding the bed is so dreamy..
Oh, I think I'm in love. Gorgeous photographs.
Congratulations to the winners! :)
i want some fairy lights in my room also... :)
What an absolutely beautiful daydream!
i really love this picts !! =)
Sucha lovely dream. Treehouses and all.
The pic with the bench with the snow is lovely. The macaroons look delish!
omg macaroons yum
Hi Luphia, Thanks for your nice comments on my blog, Simply Hue, this morning. I would love to exchange links....your blog is beautiful! I turn to it often for fashion and design inspiration. :) I'll post a link to your site on my blog right now!
Oops...I called you "Luphia" and just realized your name is Tina. Sorry about that! ;)
oh yes, me too!
i like to move in to the fairytale house too please.
I'll come and live in that magical tree with you!
I love the photos and the atmosphere of this post! Thanks for sharing...
And thanks for visiting Sweeter Living and leaving a sweet comment. Hey, I have a nice giveaway of subscription for House Beautiful and Country Living on my blogs. Just in case you are interested;)
Have a great week!
I really adore both of those strings of lights!! Where can I find them??
Oh Laduree macrons are the best things ever! I've always wanted my own treehouse strung with pretty fairy lights!
oh how I'd love to live in this world, too! it would be great to leave my real world for a week or so :)
Can I be in your neighborhood ore at least the same zip code! Lovely!!!
I love the tree house photo! It's so fairytale-like and fabulous. Always dream, my dear. =)
how dreamy!
These are so beautiful (: It's amazing what a string of lights can do!
La C.
Thank you :)
Oh you sure do know how to pick the prettiest images. I love string lights as well!
I would love to live a life like that! So pretty. Love the snowy one. magical :)
Inspirational pics! Are you an interior designer or stylist?
such pretty pictures and i love the fairytale dream theme!
Chelsea www.strangeflowerdiary.blogspot.com
looks perfect to me! except pizza for dinner please :)
are you taking visitors:)??
methinks this post is lovely! i'd love to live there, such a haven of inspiration. (and imagine the closet space!) :)
xoxo Mo
thanks for posting this! the park benches photo really brought me back to my childhood... when i actually got to see snow...
I love the way you think. I love dreamy fairy-tale scenes like that. And macaroons for dinner is brilliant. I'm still trying to learn how to make them properly. If I ever do, I'll send you some.
Lovely, great idea!
Great post! I love to day dream too.
these pics put a warm smile on my face - especially the last one!
The macarons look too lovely to eat! Lovely set.
those images are very dream-likes :D
Simply wonderful.
i love to day dream too..
the photos are dreamy <3
Can I join your dream?! I loved hanging out in my tree house when I was little! If only I had style then... LOL! However, if I could go back, I'd definitely have antique furniture with soft linens!
What lovely photos! The first pic is my absolute fave :)
Wow! These images are sooo beautiful! Thank you for your nice comment;) I love your blog too!! It is ok to exchange links of course!
Have a nice summer!!!
Klem Anette:)
I want to move into that tree house. Very cool!
yeah the necklace is from accessorize <3
Now I wouldn't mind taking a siesta in that dreamy place one bit!
hi Keyreo :)
i'm actually just a geeky Maths student lol :)
really cute post! love those photos! :)
I love this post. It is so beautiful and exactly the kind of thing I love, especially those beautiful fairy lights!! I'll be following for sure. ^_^.
!!I wish I could live in your magic little fairy tale tree-house! How delightful all those little fairy lights are.
Love love love the macarons... Especially when I have a french themed Bridal Shower coming up!
Stumbled on this post via another blog i was looking at and I feel in love with the post because of the pictures with the little twinkling lights.
i want to do that in my place one day!
This is a very beautiful post.
This is a very beautiful post.
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