I have been tagged by Julia from the gorgeous blog imallagog, Julia finds some of the most amazing products so make sure you check it out! Thanks for the honour! I am so excited about this, I've read quite a bit of this type of posts & love finding out interesting facts about other people. Hopefully I can think of some equally quirky facts :)
1. my passport name is actually Chang , which means "fluency" in Chinese, my parents wanted me to have a trouble-free, fluent journey in life. It's quite different from the popular "greatness" or "beauty" which are often used in names but I like it as it's quite sweet :) Although everyone knows me as Tina & if someone called me Chang I prob. wouldn't even respond.

2. I am crazy about cats, if I see a cat on the street I would definitely stop & "talk" to the cat sometimes people stare but I can't resist, they are just too cute! I'd like to own 4, no, 5 or maybe 6... cats someday
3. I have a weird "fear" of neatly packed sphere shapes of the same size (like sometimes bubbles form this) , it gives me shivers & I hate to look at them. Although bubbles of different sizes are fine or if they're not neatly packed that's fine too.

4. I am surprisingly short at 5ft2 as both of my parents are quite tall (mum 5ft7 & dad 5ft10), and I can't wear high heels either as I can't walk in them!
5. My favorite snack food is ice cream, even in the winer. I love to wrap myself in a thick warm duvet and eat ice cream while watching Friends!

6. When I was young, I didn't want to be a princess, I wanted to be the Queen! I also wanted magical powers. I hope that doesn't make me a witch queen ;)
now it's my turn to find out some interesting facts about other people, I'd like to
Courtney at Under A Paper Moon
Deb at Oh!
Blair at Delight By Design
Denise at Studio d.Sharp
Julie at Belle Maison
Su Ling at Laissezfaire
The rules are:
* Mention the rules on your blog.
* Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself.
* Tag six other
* Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that lets them know they are tagged.
Thank you for tagging me! I will, get right on it:)Hmm...quirky yet boring..
I LOVE ice cream! It's my fave fave fave food of all time. I would happily eat it every day if my waistline would let me!
I love ice cream too!! I probably eat it more often than I should!
Thanks for tagging me- I'll post answers soon!
I think your fear of bubbles is really fascinating..because I ALSO have this weird adversion to very specific patterns..which just somehow give me the heebeejeebies.
and thank you for the kind words about my blog!!
glad to hear ice cream is a fav amongst other people too, i mean why wouldn't anyone like it right ;)
hi julia, lol, i know exactly what you mean!
Thanks for tagging me! How fun :) I enjoyed reading your answers! I'll work on mine this weekend. Great blog, by the way.
Hey Tina, Thanks for your well wishes! Interesting facts about yourself!
Will follow up with the tag, hopefully soon. =))
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