Friday 5 March 2010

{Vintage Friday}: Vintage Things

I want this girl's things, yes that includes all her lovely dresses...


Tonia Lee Smith said...

Love that dress, it's so sweet.

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

everything is so pretty, I especially like the elephant pouch, such a pretty and sweet fabric

Anonymous said...

I love all things vintage, her things are amazing!!!

Camila Faria

carrie :3 said...

Wow I love vintage, and these pictures are so sweet!

Mademoiselle Deva said...

I really like your new blog's layout! Looks very nice and stylish!

Have a lovely weekend!

Eliza said...

oh how adorable, i want them all too :') <3

Lindsay said...

Agreed, her things are amazing! And is that dress a horse print? I can't quite tell, but either way it's adorable :)


Wat lief! En je blog is superschattig <3 ik hou je in de gaten!

cleung341 said...

I do have to say her dress is cute!

NicRTV (陳亞任) said...

I love vintage stuff..and I adore that dress too...

amalie said...

i like your new layout! and cute pictureess

Unknown said...

love the vintage dress!

Unknown said...

ahh i just love vintage stuff!

MizzJ said...

I love that first shot, it's such a fun mix of items and prints.

dancinginchiffon said...

that floral dress is so cute!

Victoria Rosas said...

god, me too! that dress is just so lovely

Lulu said...

lovely! =]

Anonymous said...

I love the little elephant pouch.

Marthe said...

I want everything too! ;)


Mochatini said...

soooo pretty. the pics are my favs!!
manvi from

Ta said...

This is a great vintage selection. I really love the elephant bag.

superwoolu said...

i like that dress! it's a pretty friday dress :p

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