Friday 3 April 2009

Hooked on: Beautiful Hallways {Interior}

Even though it's University holidays this week, somehow I'm much busier than usual. Today I have a deadline at 5pm to hand in my business marketing plan for this extra course I'm taking, and guess what? In true last minute style, I've not even started yet. So I'll leave you with these beautiful hallway interiors while I'off to write my essay...

What is more your style? A calm, fresh, natural hallway?

or something with a little more colour?

a country style perhaps?

or maybe something more elegant and classic?

I think I'd like an elegant style mixed with more white? You?

Friday today, yeah! Enjoy your lovely weekend, xx

(images from here)


Cassiopeia said...

mine's probably a cross between lots of colour and country style - i decorate the same way i dress ;-D


Brigadeiro said...

TGIF! How I wish I had this amount of space in my house! Have a great weekend! :)

vicki archer said...

Love them all - that's the problem! xv

Unknown said...

I think I'd like something more elegant and classic, with hints of freshness/calmness and color. Or maybe, with a lil bit of everything!

the exhausted etiquette (kirstine) said...

i will always love white furniture, or at least I think.

pretty, pretty!

littletiara said...

oh I love the first classic one! It's baby blue! Spacey! And classic! :D

10.15, saturday night said...

i like the white ones, but also the multi-coloured drawers, but i also like the elegant ones! perhaps i'd need several hallways!

Francesca Tan said...

Beautiful! I want my house to be just like that next time. :D

paula said...

Have a great weekend! I especially like the one with the tree.

Kati said...

I am so in love with such old looking furniture!

RLMEnglish said...

I love the bluish grey and white hallway in the elegant set, but i would probably, after the initial color, travel away from that and into a more Modern, austere look as opposed to classic austere. The colors just called to me in the light from the windows as our hall as not a single window to be found from end to end.

sarah said...

So many great options, I can't decide. So I guess it's a good thing I don't have a hallway like this in need of decorating. Happy weekend!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

I'm definitely a calm, fresh, natural style. Such gorgeous photos, Tina!
Have a wonderful weekend, darling!

Green Girl said...

i love white walls with a little splash of color here and there! these are lovely collection of hallway interior designs.

inkWELL Press said...

Not sure which one I would pick - they're all so lovely. I think I like the colorful ones the best... the tree one is soo interesting!

The Depressed Yogi said...

Oooh loving those vintage suitcases in the 2nd pic...

P.S. i totally agree that the NYC topshop is prettier than Londy's, and i think a makeover is DEF. in order ;-)

AMM blog said...

I think something with color, they're all tempting though!

Blair Friedeman said...

Oh, all lovely picks. I am partial to the classic elegance. Even though I am no where near having the space or the budget for that style! Happy Friday. xx

Elizabeth Victoria Clark said...

I think my dream is between the white and the country. You have such a great eye! xx

Anonymous said...

I'm leaning more towards a classic style with muted, soft colors-- on the romantic side. Hooray for Friday! Good luck on your paper!


May Kasahara said...

daaark colors like navy and chocolate.

I like when hallways feel small-ish and tunnel-y.

Anna said...

Oh wow, I love the one with the birds and tree tree wallpaper (4th picture I think)and the colorful ones!

Anonymous said...

i love the country and elegant hallways. maybe a mix of those two. it would be heavenly.

hope you will have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

I wish I had a wider hallway so i could put an awesome table or a bench there. Nice compilation.
Mrs. Petrie @

Diana said...

The first set is magical!

Zuuchini said...

aww there's no modern...i rather like classy and modern

Dionne said...

So much eye candy. All stunning! I can't decide!

Aline said...

these are all decor tastes are somewhere in the middle of all of them!

MizzJ said...

Hmm so hard to decide! I'd say a mix of color and elegant, though I quite love the tree decal in the first set.

Good luck with your essay!

Marie said...

Hi Tina-
All those photos are my style, but j'adore the tree mural from the first group! Bon week-end!

cuteseas said...

im a elegant/classy kind of girl :)

Anonymous said...

so weird, I had a dream about decorating our entryway last night (I know...really random)--I think I like a cross between elegance and some strong color for a big impact. All of these look fab though!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you! I also love the chandelier hallway

HoneyBunny said...

I love the first option mixed with the last one is the perfection:D

Julia said...

This is ridiculous! Every photo just calls to me--intensely!

Christina said...

i like the colorful examples best, but i'd take any of the ones you posted, really.

Couture Carrie said...

Wow! Is it poosible that I love all of these? But particularly the sage green hallway with the console table and two lamps - perfection!


Emz said...

Oh these are all so pretty!! I wish I had a house that I could design

Cass @ That Old House said...

There is something to love in all of those styles! Lovely hallways; mine are plain, plain, plain ... just old plaster and woodwork.


Alice X said...

O M G you go to cambridge? I am dying of jealousy, what are you studyiing? one of my best friends wants to go to school in england, is it hard to get in? sorry i'm asking so many questions but what are lily cole and hannah davis like in person? they are both Soo beautiful:)

Winnie said...

I love the one with the tree mural on the wall. So lovely!

Alice X said...

oooh, i apologize immensely for that, it was because she was following your blog, clicked the wrong link:) sorry! i always secretly wish I was english.

Cassiopeia said...

thanx for pointing alicex in my direction! :-D

are you at bath btw? i'm heading down that way at the beginning of may to get some r&r in Wells, and to see a mate at bath uni, so if ur around, we should meet up! :-D


erika sorocco said...

I'm not even going to attempt to choose a favorite - I love them all! Have a happy weekend, and good luck on your report!

K8 said...

Lovely interiors!

Cassiopeia said...

sounds like a plan to me! (both the making of bath plans and the exchanging of links :-D)


Angela said...

i am definitely the colorful type!

i love colors and brightness and happy vibes.

Petra said...

Oh my lord, HOW have I never seen your blog until now!? Crazy crazy!

LOVE your site so very much. Interior design heaven!

Thank you forthe sweet comment, I will most definatly be adding you to my blog list :)

Hope you're having a beautiful weekend xx

T said...

Hooray for procrastination! I'm great at that. Good luck with everything. I am loving these photos.

alissa said...

calm and fresh - love those first ones!
yes i got your email! im sorry i havent written you back - those were great recommendations!
unless you sent another email...then i didnt get it!

Suzanne said...

oh!! wish my hallway looked like that!

gracemejin said...

You have such awesome style! Definitely some inspiration for our new home :) Thanks!

the notebook doodles said...

eek. i love all of these interiors.. i can never just choose a particular style. mixing it up is always a nice choice though =)

have an awesome weekend!!


freeteyme said...

i like #13. The blue with the white with the black accent chair. So clean and elegant.

Iyah Love said...

I love the fresh natural look. :) I am more into earthy colors bec it looks simple yet elegant :)

Ohh I cannot wait to design my own house :)

Anonymous said...

love white rooms!
i'm dreaming of my perfect house now..

agnes said...

oh god.. I really can't pick the one I love, they are all my thing..(well, I am a gemini.) Can I have the setting change every week???


diamondsinchampagne said...

Ok a few of those pictures went straight into my inspiration folder for my apartment

celine said...

In love with the tree design on the wall of the first set of pictures !

LookingGlassGirl said...

I love the home pictures, especially the ones with the stairs. Your blog is lovely.

Daer0n said...

The country style is absolutely beautiful, love it!

My Galveston Cottage said...

I confess: I must have multiple decorating disorder. I like them all! have a nice weekend, -susan

Nicole Marie said...

first one, top right... love!! the suitcases under the table is so cute!

kadler said...

I just want that old man painting in the bottom left pic. I will tell people he's some old relative, thereby looking classier and more historical than I really am.

Anonymous said...

oh i love them all! what lovely pictures! thanks for always providing a sanctuary of sorts with your blog.

Little Bow Prep said...

Oh, these are so pretty!

I adore the first four and the last four!

Daniela Valdez said...

Oooh how lovely!!!

{ A lifestyle blog }

Based in London art|decor|fashion|travel ♥

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